Comments 12/8

Dakota’s Post

Dakota’s post that I commented on was over her hobby of traveling the world. She talked about getting to witness the unique cultures (language, architecture, people, etc.) from places across the world. Some of her favorite places that she has been include Alaska, Spain, Italy, the Grand Caymans, Cozumel, and Jamaica.

Madelyn’s Post

Madelyn’s post that I commented on was over her MANY nicknames. Each of her unique nicknames have a special and funny meaning behind them. These nicknames include Maddie-poo, Maddie-patty puddin and pie, Mad-dog, Mad house, Casa, Casita, Mad-day-lyn, and Maddie.

Devin’s Post

Devin’s post that I commented on was over the kindness and genuine helpfulness that she has experienced while working at Santa’s Wonderland. She says “the people who work there make it a remarkable experience for everyone who steps foot on the property, whether you’re a little kid there to meet Santa, or an exhausted parent taking your kids to do so, or a first-year employee.”

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